Below are the Gear available in Boxing Star X. Choose a page to learn more.
Last updated
Below are the Gear available in Boxing Star X. Choose a page to learn more.
Last updated
What is Gear?
Gear is essential to enhance your performance in the ring.
Equip the right Gear to dominate the ring and crush your opponents in Boxing Star X.
Gear includes various items that improve your character’s strength, defense, and overall fighting capabilities.
There are a total of 6 Gear grades.
How to Obtain Gear
Gear can be obtained through the following methods:
Win certain Story Mode matches
Win League Matches
Open Victory Packages
Purchase Gear in the Shop
Branded Gear, also known as Exclusive Gear, have higher base Stats than non-Exclusive Gear.
There 6 types of Gear
Gear List
For a detailed list of all Gear, go here.